citizenship education

The What, How, and Why of Character Education

CMEI Colloquium 
Larsen Hall, Harvard Graduate School of Education
March 31, 2016

The history of character education in the U.S. is long and convoluted, leading to many different "flavors" and many misconceptions. This presentation presented a model of character education that is primarily focused on positive, pro-social, and democratic development, providing both a rationale for this work and a circumscribed definition. It relied on research to identify common denominator parenting and pedagogical factors that effectively promote such...

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Can Citizenship Education Survive Civics?

CMEI Colloquium
Longfellow Hall, Harvard Graduate School of Education
September 19, 2016

The words “And Crown thy Good with Brotherhood from Sea to Shining Sea” marked the beginning of the end of the Indian wars, and provides the backdrop for a discussion of the tension between the goals of citizenship education—to train the sentiments—and the goals of civic education—to pay homage to the truth.... Read more about Can Citizenship Education Survive Civics?

Wicked Problems and Willful Girls: The Power of Girl-Fueled Intergenerational Activism

CMEI Colloquium
Gutman Library, Harvard Graduate School of Education
February 16, 2017

In this talk, Lyn Mikel Brown considered commodified versions of girl power and lean-in feminism as barriers to girls' civic engagement and political participation.  She drew from interviews with girl and women activists and her work with SPARK Movement to advocate for intergenerational youth-fueled activism as a way for girls to develop the critical vocabulary, the imagination, and the experience to confront wicked problems.... Read more about Wicked Problems and Willful Girls: The Power of Girl-Fueled Intergenerational Activism
