Achieving Positive Development for Youth in Brazil

Featured Speaker

Silvia Koller



Silvia Koller, Professor and Chair of the Center for Psychological Studies of At-Risk Populations in the Department of Psychology at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil

Silvia Koller event

CMEI Colloquium
Larsen Hall, Harvard Graduate School of Education
October 19, 2017

Street involved youth, unemployment and school dropouts have been current realities during troubled social and political times in Brazil. Silvia Koller presented her work in Brazil with at-risk youth. Her team’s main focus has been to improve the quality of life of at risk youth as well as to promote their knowledge about rights. She focused on methodological aspects, intervention results, and application on social policy. How can research results be applied in interventions and foment positive youth development of at risk youth? How can research result in effective programs and policy to help youth adapt well to social change, and when possible, transform these changes into opportunity? How far have the research team come and what is yet needed?